Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sock Wars !!

Picked a nice warm golden yarn from Persimmon Tree Farm, and hit gauge right off.

Cast on the first sock Saturday morning, knitted through a tour of Antietam National Park (battlefield and cemetary) -- had to look and sound intelligent while keeping my fingers in motion.

Got this far by Saturday night:

Got this far by Monday evening:

Socks will be lovely and warm, but not machine-washable.


Monday, October 01, 2007

Spinning Wheels

In preparation for my talk at the Pioneer America Society conference, I have been photographing every spinning wheel I can find.

First my Hitchhiker:

Next, Nina's Charka:

And whatever wheels were hanging around the store:

I will be talking about innovations in hand spinning wheel technology.

My abstract is:

Being a brief overview of the glorious history of spinning tools and techniques, with a special consideration of the Venus of Lespugue, Leonardo Da Vinci, Revolutionary Acts of Spinning, Hippies, Bicentennial Celebrations, and Hen-Pecked Husbands.
